Delilah, I do not know why I purchased her really, except that it seemed the thing to do. I had just purchased Faboo and though he has a great head for the business, I felt I would do better to have someone else greeting and or serving my customers. We had gone to market to purchase more red thread, -I am always running out of red!- when I noticed the girl being sold. Now I am not really for slave auctions or other public spectacles, but this time I stopped and watched, and when this very large man I knew to be a real brute began bidding, I became determined that the fragile looking creature not fall into his hands.
She has the kind of face that would do very well in a shop. Pretty without being too sultry, free women should not take too much offense to her. I intend to garb her modestly, of course. Her sunny disposition and innocent ways pleases me, who wants a sullen angsty slave anyway? The man said she was barbarian, but I doubt that and even if she is, she could teach a few of our bred chattles something about proper decorum, truly!
So I purchased her, for one silver six, and my brother was not too pleased with that but he will learn to live with it. Faboo seems happy with the choice too, and while I'd never condone inter personal relations between slaves, I doubt I need worry much on this one. Oh that made me giggle and blush, but it is true, I don't have to worry!