Home Stone

My Home Stone is Ar, of course, which is why I am currently in Ar. For the life of me I could not even begin to imagine living anywhere else, even with all the wars, conquests, troubles and triffles this city has been through during my lifetime, and that of my parents. Ar is not only the most important city, the largest city, the most wealthy city, the most populous city and the most feared city in all of Gor, it is also the seat of all fashion! Women from Tor to Hunjer adopt the fashions we display here in Ar, whether it be hair or clothing or accessories, and so where else would a clothing artisan want to be but at the hub?

Though I can read and write thanks to my mother's instructions, I am not too well versed in the History of my city. Some of it I know, I was there, and some of it seems more legend and story then actual history. All of it is riveting of course! From the stories, Hesius had done well for the Priest-Kings, and in reward, they promised to give him something more precious then gold. He brought back to his city, then just a squallid little village with no real fashion sense, a somewhat rounded stone, on which the name of the city had been inscribed. When he told his fellow villagers and showed them, they were understandably a little skeptical. It did not look like much to them- if they only knew! When they were told that the Home Stone belonged to all of them, and that the Priest-Kings said it was more valuable then gold, they laid down their arms and banded together. Voila! Ar was born!

Ar grew in prosperity and size, but it was Marleneus who had the vision of one Home Stone, one Gor, one Ar for everyone. Such a good idea! Naturally, the other cities that he conquered were only too happy to belong to Ar's splendor, those were good times. He came to power during that troublesome Valley War, and since he did not feel so inclined to give up the Ubarate, he kept it.

There had been some trouble when he was banished, damned greedy merchants! Kazrak was ok though, he truly was, but I shan't be saying that too loudly. Minus was all right, Cerenus- low caste on the throne??? I think not! No wonder that ended as it did. Just as well, because as he dissapeared, our Marlenus returned. Oh, he is such a grand, grand leader- If only his daughter wasn't such a skank! I can't believe I ever thought she'd make a fine ruler, but then we were all somewhat snowed. I'd rather not go into that entire Cos affair, it wasn't very happy business. Suffice it to say, justice eventually prevailed and with the help of that plucky red haired fellow, Ar has once again regained it's grandeur, it's wonder, its magnificence!

Ar is a very large city with a great big wall all around it, impenetrable except those few times that we don't need to discuss here. There are forty public gates, and scores of smaller ones, but they are well guarded now. Certain events have taught Ar to be a little more vigilant, to be sure. There are many streets, and high soaring cylinders, and high windy bridges on which men play games and women show off their fashions. And then there is Lorna Street, which is my favorite of course!

Currently, we have an administration and High Council again. I am not very interested in politics but I can't say I think any of them are doing a very good job. How I yearn for Marlenus to return again! How we all do. Perhaps where ever he has gotten himself off to, he can hear our hearts and know our minds are with him, always.

Hail Ar!